Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 17, a week ago,  Madame Le Chef and I drove out to Ocean Beach. The sky over the ocean was quite dramatic.

Down on the beach there was some impermanent art.

At first we walked on the sidewalk that runs between the beach and The Great Highway (actually just an okay highway).
But then we decided to take advantage of the fact that the City had closed the aforesaid highway to cars and trucks. It was fun to walk down the middle of the street, sharing it with bikes and skaters.
Before we left we admired the sky and the ocean a little more.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

San Francisco Places and Things

These were gathered recently.

A view.

Social Distancing.

A Sea Lion.

In a garden.

On a street.

By the Ocean.

By the Stadium.


Box Office